The Blue Cross of Hyderabad is a Non-Profit Registered Society.

The Blue Cross is recognised by the Animal Welfare Board of India, and has been working for the welfare of animals since 1992. The Office Bearers are volunteers and do not get any honorarium. Office Bearers and Governing Committee meet every month to oversee the working of the organisation. Please use the contact form, if you wish to communicate any Grievances, so they may be dealt with suitably.

Governing Members

Amala Akkineni
Amala AkkineniFounder & Chairperson
Aparna Rao
Aparna RaoPresident
Sushma Kamal
Sushma KamalSecretary
Subba Rao
Subba RaoTreasurer
Heera Rupani
Heera RupaniDonor Relations & Fundraising
Mourya Boda
Mourya BodaOrg. Mgmt & Outreach Program
Shreya Paropkari
Shreya ParopkariBoard Member
Dr. Lakshmi Ramana
Dr. Lakshmi RamanaAdvisory